Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sands of Time copyright Dave Putnam 2010 48'' by 36''

Sands of Time attempts to capture in paint the passage of eons. It employs Cubism where objects that would normally be viewed from different angles are put on the same plain. Here stars, sand dunes, the sun and the twilight sky are all scrolled together, playing off each other in a way that our minds comprehend even if they are actually seperated in nature.
Sand dunes in a great desert exist in an almost unchanging state for millions of years. Stars burn in the sky for billions of years. Contemplating this timeless existence reminds us how fleeting our lives are, but also that we are part of a majestic continuum that stretches back in time forever and probably into the future forever. Infinity and forever are concepts that the human mind cannot grasp. We can grasp the age of ancient geological formation like deserts. So this is the best way to expand our mental horizons.

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