Monday, August 16, 2010

Complicated Conversations copyright 2010 by Dave Putnam

Here I am trying to expand my core interest of advancing the school of art started by Jackson Pollock. The idea is to take his techniques and carefully add to them. Pollock's wife, Lee Krasner, was one of the greatest abstract expressionists ever and after her husband's death she radically advanced his school by introducing brushstrokes and meticulousness. It is imprtant to remember that Pollock was an extreme alcoholic and most of his paintings were made while he was wasted. This was both good and bad. It created a wild and bold style but composition, design elements, etc... are hard to execute by someone wasted out of their mind. Krasner's later work then is very important for a painter walking down this path. In Complicated Conversations I started with a wild painting where paint was flung into the canvass in a single session. I spent days afterwards with tiny brushes refining and cleaning up the image. Pollock used to say that he "denies the accident," meaning that the attractive images that emerged from his almost random application of paint were all deliberate, a bit of self deception. I say, "embrace the accident" by refining and expanding these lucky accidents.

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